What is Analysis and Design?

Analysis emphasizes an investigation of the problem and requirements, rather than a solution.For example, if a new online trading system is desired, how will it be used? What are its

"Analysis" is a broad term, best qualified, as in requirements analysis (an investigation of the requirements) or object-oriented analysis (an investigation of the domain objects).

Design emphasizes a conceptual solution (in software and hardware) that fulfills the requirements, rather than its implementation. For example, a description of a database schema
and software objects. Design ideas often exclude low-level or "obvious" details obvious to the intended consumers. Ultimately, designs can be implemented, and the implementation (such as code) expresses the true and complete realized design.

As with analysis, the term is best qualified, as in object-oriented design or database design.
Useful analysis and design have been summarized in the phrase do the right thing (analysis), and do the thing right (design).

What is Object-Oriented Analysis and Design?
During object-oriented analysis there is an emphasis on finding and describing the objects or concepts in the problem domain. For example, in the case of the flight information system, some
of the concepts include Plane, Flight, and Pilot.

During object-oriented design (or simply, object design) there is an emphasis on defining software objects and how they collaborate to fulfill the requirements. For example, a Plane software object may have a tailNumber attribute and a getFlightHistory method.

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